Why Web Development?

photo of me
On a kids' train with friends

After spending the majority of the 2010s living and working in East Asia, I was itching for a change. I'd always had at least a passing interest in computers, and the thought of being able to build my own websites enticed me to try web development. So I left my job teaching English in S. Korea and enrolled in an associate degree program.

Fast-forward a bit in time, and I'm now working as a student instructor anxiously awaiting my next challenge.

What Are My Hobbies?

photo of me
In Japan

Music, history, Japanese, old video games... I have a lot of interests. My fascination with history has slowly increased over the years to the point at which, nowadays, rather than falling asleep to some Genesis or Cure album, I'm instead dozing off to audio lectures on the Black Death and Classical Greece.

Current Activities

Studying React 18 Tutorial and Projects (John Smilga, 2023)
Reading Dragonflight (Anne McCaffrey, 1968)
Listening Late Middle Ages (Philip Daileader, 2007)
Playing Minna no Golf 2 (Clap Hanz, 1999)